Buying a home should come with the best possible experience

At Ziggu we strongly believe that the biggest purchase of your lifetime, your home, should come with an engaging customer journey. We help property developers and homebuilders deliver those top-notch customer experiences by boosting their own efficiency.
- Founders Pieter, David, Yannick & Vincent (2017)

Countries active in
Companies using Ziggu
+ 68
CEO Yannick Bontinckx

We were looking for a Ziggu ourselves

Our origin story is quite simple: we were looking for a solution to our challenges, but couldn’t find anything that matched our needs. We all had diverse backgrounds in the real estate sector, but all of us felt the increasing need from homebuyers to be more involved. As property developer, architect or supplier, we all wanted to deliver a great customer experience, but our tools were not adapted to so.

#1 Software Solution

Market leader in customer care ❤

We're extremely proud to have grown to a market leading position in a couple of years time. Especially in our home markets Belgium and Luxembourg Ziggu's influence spans far and wide: property developers, contractors and suppliers of all sizes form a strong network. One that elevates their work and delights their customers.

Team Ziggu

Yannick Bontinckx
CEO & Co-Founder
Maarten Parmentier
Full Stack Engineer
Pieter Gistelinck
CPO & Co-Founder
Kimberly Van Lierde
Customer Success Manager
Mihail Panayotov
Full Stack Engineer
Loeke Clynen
Sales Associate
Laura Van den Bossche
Customer Success Manager
Vincent Van Impe
CCO & Co-Founder
Chloé Boone
HR & Office Manager
David De Winter
CTO & Co-Founder
Tijl Speetjens
Senior Sales Executive
Stijn Scrayen
Marketing Manager

Who benefits from using Ziggu?

Property developers

find everything they need, whether it's an approved proposal or a conversation with a customer.


love the most convenient and engaging digital customer experience with the biggest purchase of their lifetimes.

Customer advisors

adore Ziggu as their single source of truth. No more searching for a needle in a haystack.


always have access to the latest technical documents. Easy for them to find per unit and category.


like architects and showrooms can upload/download their plans and proposals for each unit.


love to showcase the customer portal to prospective buyers. It builds trust and shows you care about their journey.