A job not without its challenges, but nonetheless fulfilling: this is what working in Customer Success is like

They’re the ones helping people find their way in a new tool, the ones who listen to feedback, the friendly faces who make everything easier. They are… the Customer Success team! Or, as Ziggu’s Customer Success Manager Laura Van den Bossche puts it: “The thread through every collaboration with customers”. A job not without its challenges, but that’s precisely what makes it fun, according to Laura. 

Customer Success is all about, well… the customer. As soon as a new company steps aboard the Ziggu ship, someone from CS is ready to take action. From handling the Ziggu portal onboarding process to answering questions, maintaining ongoing customer relationships and taking people’s feedback to the relevant department head: the Customer Success team does it all. “We’re there for whatever they need”, says Laura. “We’re the sympathetic ear, the helping hand.”

Are you a people person?  

Since communicating with people is the central part of the job, it goes without saying that you have to be a people person when working in Customer Success. Not only do you need to help them out when they have a question, but you also need to be able to put yourself in their shoes and think a few steps ahead. For example, what would customers like in the future? What will they expect from us when this or that happens? What feature might be helpful to add to the platform?

Not only customers will see your friendly face often. As a CS officer or manager, you’re in touch with pretty much every department in your company. When a new company signs up to Ziggu, you’ll be taking over from the sales team, for example. When a customer gives his opinion about a new feature, you bring that feedback to our Head of Product. And when you think a customer has a great story to tell, you take it to Marketing. “There aren’t many jobs in a company that are so varied and require contact with every department”, says Laura.

Are you ready to have an impact?   

According to the Customer Success Manager, that’s what makes the job challenging and fulfilling at the same time. “This job brings with it a lot of opportunities to grow and develop or improve your skills”, she says. “And luckily, the Ziggu founders give everyone in the company the trust and freedom to explore those opportunities. They welcome everyone’s ideas and feedback; in fact, they kind of expect you to bring all that to the table.”

Because that’s the fun of working for a scale-up, according to Laura: “It’s fast-paced, everything changes quickly and even as an employee, you have to think on your feet. But you can create your own moments of growth, your ideas or feedback can have a big impact on the company, you’re allowed to experiment. So no matter your job title or role within the company, you’re an important player.”

October 8, 2021
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